About this website

S. No. Name & Designation Work allocation Channel Submission
JS & HoD
1. All functions related with duties and obligation of the Director of NACWC.
2. Implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) and CWC Act
3. Close monitoring and quality control of timely declarations, effective inspections
4. Developing and articulating policy on various CWC related issues for EC / CSP / Review Conference.
5. Responsibilities associated with that of Head of Department.
6. Overall coordination and quality control of Administrative and Technical Issues.
7. Any other work assigned by CNA
1. All CWC issues related to Articles of CWC.
2. SAB issues.
3. Schedule 1 declarations / inspections
4. Timely dispatch of Schedule 1, RCA, and Article X declarations
5. Nominations for OPCW Committees like SAB, ABAF, Confidentiality Commission, SAAT etc.
6. All matters relating to SCOMET
7. Matters relating to OPCW proficiency tests and designation of labs, Bio-medical sampling.
8. EC / CSP/ RC nominations
9. Agenda for EC / CSP / RC meetings and NA Directors’ meetings.
10. Industry issues.
11. Issues related to transfer discrepancies
12. Training Courses
13. Escort Officer for OPCW Inspections.
14. Checking of assigned declarations before being sent to OPCW.
15. Ensuring timely dispatch of declarations to OPCW
16. Matters relating to ISO 9001 certification
17. Any other work assigned by reporting officer.
1. Initiation of receipts on CWC issues related to Articles of CWC on relevant files.
2. Initiation of receipts for Schedule 1 and related declarations.
3. Checking of assigned declarations before being sent to OPCW
4. Escort Officer for OPCW Inspections.
5.Preparation of Article VI Declarations in EDNA
6. Update/maintenance of all Declarations and Inspection list. Keeping track of all OPCW/Other queries related to Declarations and Inspections and completion of inspections files till closure by OPCW.
7. Initiation of receipts for Article XI issues.
8. Escort Officer for OPCW Inspections.
9. Initiation of work for ISO 9001.
10. Checking of assigned declarations before being sent to OPCW.
11. Any other work assigned by reporting officer.
1. All functions of Head of Office (HoO) NACWC.
2. All functions of Central Public Information Officer (CPIO).
3. Any other work assigned by reporting officer
JS & HoD
TO -1
  1. Initiation of SCOMET matters and related issues.
  2. Maintenance and upkeep of all relevant files
  3. Checking of assigned declarations before being sent to OPCW.
  4. Initiate files of Proficiency Tests and designated labs
  5. Initiate receipts on SAB issues and Initiate files on nominations, meetings.
  6. Escort Officer for OPCW Inspections.
  7. Training course initiation of receipt, keeping track of last date of submission of nomination to OPCW
  8. Any other work assigned by reporting officer.
TO - 2
  1. Initiation of all receipts of Article VI of CWC.
  2. Initiation of all receipts on Trade Discrepancies.
  3. Checking of assigned declarations before being sent to OPCW.
  4. Escort Officer for OPCW Inspections.
  5. Maintenance and Upkeep of relevant files.
  6. Keeping a calendar of dates to ensure timely dispatch of all letters in the respective areas by following up with Section
  7. Any other work assigned by reporting officer.

SO - 1

1. DDO functions
2. Reimbursement of tour claims, telephone bills, newspapers bills, hospitality bills, ISO certification bills etc.
3. RTI Matters, Budget matters.
4. Payment of rent & electricity bills, office telephone bills and other bills pertaining to NACWC.
5. Personal matters of the officers / officials of the NACWC.
6. Payment of Outsourced personnel and their records
7. Circulating of the orders, circulars etc.
8. Arrangement of News Papers and Magazine etc.
9. Arrangement of tea / coffee, snacks etc for meetings.
10. Work related to annual contribution to OPCW.
11. Possession of Passport, Laptop, I-pad etc
12. Reconciliation of payment of bills of M/s Balmer Lawrie / M/s Ashok Travels w.r.t. officers of NACWC and OPCW Team.
13. Matter relating to OPCW Inspections including timely acknowledgement, letters to all stakeholders, arranging airport pass etc.
14. All arrangements for OPCW Inspection Team and Escort Officers of NACWC i.e. air ticket, vehicles, guest house bookings etc.
15. Maintaining record of the OPCW Inspectors.
16. Any other work assigned by HoO or higher officers.
SO - 2
1. General Administration
2. Matter relating to appointment / filling up of Technical Posts i.e. Technical Officers, Deputy Directors, Joint Director, Advisor.
3. Hiring of vehicle (Taxi, Auto etc.) for office of NACWC.
4. Matter relating to protocol and official tour/ deputation of the officers of the NACWC.
5. Procurement and distribution of stationary, furniture etc.
6. Procurement and distribution of Photocopier machines, computers, Printers etc.
7. Amendment of Recruitment Rules
8. Matter relating to power generator, electricity etc.
9. Matter relating to record retention schedules etc.
10. Matter relating to Biometric Attendance System (BAS).
11. Appointment of Outsource personnel in NACWC i.e. MTS & DEO
12. Matter relating to release of Grants-in-Aid to ICC operated Help-Desks.
13. Matter relating to web-portal for release of Grants-in-Aid to ICC operated Help-Desks.
14. Matter relating to hiring of Programmer for processing ADPA and ADAA.
15. To look after the work relating to caretaker of the NACWC including issues relating to furniture, cleanliness etc.
16. Any other work assigned by HoO or higher officers
ASO & Cashier
1. All functions of Cashier including tel. bills, TA bills/news paper bills, etc.
2. To look after the work of Care taker i.e. to look into the general complaints relating to telephone etc.
3. Any other work assigned by HoO.
SO - 1
1. E-office Implementation and Maintenance including scanning of documents.
2. Inventary management of IT items
3. Bio-metric attendance records-maintenance and upkeep.
4. To attend compliants of computer, printer etc.
5. Any other work assigned by reporting officer.
SO - 1
1. Assist in Preparation of Declarations.
2. Assist in preparation and maintenance of declarations database, address book and list of inspections.
3. Keeping track of all Agenda papers for EC/CSP/RC meetings of OPCW, downloading the same and taking printouts of the Agenda papers and handing over to JD.
4. Website of NACWC
5. Any other work assigned by reporting officer.
SO - 2