Guidelines For OPCW Sponsored Events

  1. Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, Technical Secretariat (OPCW-TS) identifies requirements of different States Parties and invites nominations every year for Safety and Security of Chemical Industries, Laboratory Skill Development, Customs, Assistance and Protection against the use of Chemical Weapons and internship for University Students.

  2. The event calendar for training/workshop/seminar/meeting etc. provided by the OPCW annually is being uploaded on the National Authority Chemical Weapons Convention (NACWC) website seeking nominations from various stakeholders. The aforesaid training calendar and related Office Memo’s (OMs) are uploaded on NACWC’s website along with OPCW-TS Note. Several subject specific trainings are also communicated to concerned Central/ State Departments and Private Institutions for seeking nominations.

  3. The nominations of Central Government Departments/Institutions/Organizations while sending the nominations (in the format provided by TS, OPCW) are requested to adhere to the NACWC stated deadlines. Nominations of Central Government officials should invariably be accompanied with Departmental vigilance clearance certificate. The nominations from Central Government Departments/Institutions/Undertakings should fill the details through OPCW training management system, routing the application through the concerned Ministry. The details to be filled online are stated in Annexure-I.

  4. The nominations of State Government Institutions/private entities/individuals should be routed through concerned Department/Ministry under the respective State Government filling the details online through OPCW training management system. The details to be filled online are stated in Annexure-II.

  5. The nominations of Central/State/Private entities/individuals for the OPCW sponsored events on Chemical Emergencies/Disaster Management should be sent through proper channel and routed through concerned Department/Ministry under the respective Central/State Government by filling the details through OPCW training management system. The details to be filled online are stated in Annexure-III.

  6. For chemical facilities Private entities/individuals for the OPCW sponsored events other than Chemical Emergencies/Disaster Management are required to be filled on line through OPCW training management system. The details to be filled online are stated in Annexure-IV.

  7. The details of nominations for the OPCW sponsored events can be filled online through OPCW Training Management System ( available on the NACWC web portal ( ).

  8. The nomination by NACWC for the concerned training/workshop/seminar/meeting etc. will be purely on the basis of merit i.e. preference will be given to Schedule-2 and 3 chemical facilities as well as candidates working with the National Authority or other Government Agency responsible for implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention. The Endorsement letter, subsequent to the approval of Chairman, NACWC will be issued to nominee of Central/State/Private Entities. If the OPCW requests that the nominations are to be submitted online then it will be the responsibility of nominated individual(s) to fill the personal and other details on-line on the OPCW website ( and the nominee(s) should ensure that Performa prescribed in the Format of EVENTUS also is filled by them and the prescribed guidelines are required to be fulfilled by the nominee(s). The OPCW will communicate the invitation to the nominee(s) subject to fulfilling the requirement.

  9. It is expected that the Nominee(s) exhibit excellent conduct while attending the concerned event. After completion of the training/seminar/workshop, a detailed report along with presentation is required to be submitted to the NACWC.

  10. While proceeding to attend the concerned event organized by the OPCW, the nominee:

    • Should have basic knowledge of the CWC Act, 2000.
    • Make sure about the passport i.e. valid and protect the passport and report it promptly if it is lost, stolen or damaged during the period of a specific program.
    • Must familiarize with the visiting countries.
    • Make sure about the proper visas for the countries the participant is visiting or transiting and check any other entry or exit requirements.
    • Take personal responsibility for travel choices, safety, finances and behavior overseas, including obeying the laws of the visiting country.
    • If get arrested or detained for some reason, insist on Consular access (under the Vienna Convention) to a representative from the nearest Indian Embassy/Consulate.
    • Make sure of proper coordination with the NACWC (contact point JS/JD Tel. No: 24675763/24675691) and the Indian Embassy in the concerned visiting country.
    • Presentation may be given in the specific event by the participant(s) should be in consultation with the NACWC.
    • Should not illuminate irrelevant information which has national concern during the program.
    • Who is outside from the Government Sector should adhere to the instructions given by the representative from the NACWC.
    • From the Government Sector should adhere to the instructions given by the NACWC.
    • Should focus on the subject matter for which the event is being organized.
    • Are expected to implement the lessons learnt from the event attended in his day-to-day working/duties.
    • Should share their lessons/experiences acquired during the event attended with the NACWC and parent institution.
    • Must submit individual tour report to the NACWC within one week period after returning from the program attended.