National Implementation


Each State Party shall, in accordance with its constitutional processes, adopt the necessary measures to implement its obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention. In particular, it shall:

(a). Prohibit natural and legal persons anywhere on its territory or in any other place under its jurisdiction as recognized by international law from undertaking any activity prohibited to a State Party under this Convention, including enacting penal legislation with respect to such activity;

(b). Not permit in any place under its control any activity prohibited to a State Party under this Convention; and

(c). Extend its penal legislation enacted under subparagraph (a) to any activity prohibited to a State Party under this Convention undertaken anywhere by natural persons, possessing its nationality, in conformity with international law.

2. Each State Party shall cooperate with other States Parties and afford the appropriate form of legal assistance to facilitate the implementation of the obligations under paragraph 1.

3. Each State Party, during the implementation of its obligations under this Convention, shall assign the highest priority to ensuring the safety of people and to protecting & environment, and shall cooperate as appropriate with other States Parties in this regard.


Status of elements of legislative and administrative implementation under the purview of the present report, as at 31 july 2023




Chemical Weapons

123 (65%) in full
4 (2%) in part

Toxic Chemicals

94 (50%) in full
3 (2%) in part


94 (50%) in full
3 (2%) in part

Purposes not prohibited

94 (50%) in full
3 (2%) in part

Scheduled Chemicals Regime

Reporting on Transfers

Schedule 1

103 (54%) in full
10 (5%) in part

Schedule 2

98 (52%) in full
16 (8%) in part

Schedule 3

98 (52%) in full
16 (8%) in part

Prohibitions and Penalties


Chemical Weapons

135 (71%) in full
6 (3%) in part

Scheduled Chemicals

105 (56%) in full
18 (10%) in part


Chemical Weapons

133 (70%) in full
5 (3%) in part

Scheduled Chemicals

107 (57%) in full
17 (9%) in part

India has fully implemented the Chemical Weapons Convention

Sources of Information: DG’s Report EC-74/DG.8, C-18/DG.10, 28 August 2013

Notable Activities

1. India has fully complied with the guidelines laid down under this activity as per article VII

2. Since many countries failed to implement the CWC fully, India raised voice in the EC and CSP meetings in the past at OPCW to formulate National Implementation Index.